Thabani Patience Manjenjenje Foundation is a Christian non-governmental organization which was established in December 2016 with the main aim of spiritually and economically empower women and both the girl and boy child in both urban and rural areas in Zimbabwe.
Most women in African societies suffer from prostitution, peer-pressure, rape, early child marriages, unwanted pregnancy, forced abortion, inadequate health care, being their families’ burden bearer, gender-based violence, vulnerability, , financial constraints, poverty and parental care. Tilly Grace, in her article posits that, “It is a perverted version of what God has intended for us as women, especially as Christ following women at that. We were designed to be and to do different things. We are equal in value as people, yes. As men and women, God loves us just as much as the other, but God did not design us to do the exact same things.”
"From a Biblical perspective, Jesus referred to women as worthy examples in many of his teachings and He also showed compassion to women by healing them of various illnesses."
It is under this backdrop that He was disregarding social and religious beliefs and customs by not objecting to being touched by the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:18).
With all these problems affecting women and the girl child, the world and the feminist agenda are advocating for women and men to be equals, and encouraging things like, ‘women can and should do everything a man can or should’
There is need to uplift women, girls and boys through bringing them into the Body of Christ, so that the church begins to empower them before culture does. Church bodies should create spaces for women and youth leaders, and ensure that through businesses they are groomed and to be discipled to show who Christ truly is in their lives.
TPMF seeks to address both the survivor and the perpetrator who is the man, the one who is perpetrating the violence, the rape, the early child marriages, the unwanted pregnancy, forced abortion and many things highlighted above
There is need to train and teach this gender to be more spiritual in the things of God, be accountable, take responsibility, admit wrong doing, apologise, be the gentleman, own up, not shifting blame and many more anomalies which have befallen our society.
TPMF beneficiaries from a tender age of 12 to 19 years for both the girl and the boy child will be taught and mentored on how they should be socialized in a Godly manner and at the same time train and capacitate the women to be the Proverbs 31 type of a Woman.
Their individual rights will also be respected and uplifted.
The founder of the organization felt it was of great importance to reach out to the woman and both the girl and boy child in Zimbabwe to foster a deep spiritual understanding and relationship with God.
To create a spiritually influenced society where women, girls, and boys can fully attain their God-given potential to transform communities and their perception towards God.
To build Godly communities where women, girls, and boys grow up in a non-patriarchal society, empowered by Christian values and spiritual wisdom.
Spiritual Wisdom, Empowerment, Respect for Rights and Non-Political Stance